
how to add rows in excel with formula

Add Rows in Excel Shortcut

Excel Add Rows Shortcut (Table of Contents)

  • Introduction to Add Rows in Excel Shortcut
  • Shortcut Methods of Adding Rows in Excel

Introduction to Add Rows in Excel Shortcut

Excel is all but nothing without its cells, rows, and columns. Isn't it right? You couldn't do anything without these three aspects of Excel as they define the layout, structure whatever you call it; for Excel. One of these three major aspects is Excel Rows. We should be well aware of how to add rows in Excel in case we needed those to add. Shortcuts will reduce time and increases productivity as well. We will teach you a way through this article about how to add rows in Excel. What is the shortcut to do so as well?

How to Add Rows in Excel using Shortcut?

Adding or deleting rows as well as columns in Excel is a day to day task for anyone who works on the tool. It would be great if we know the shortcut to do so, since having an idea of how to add rows in Excel with a shortcut, we may be able to save the time, which can be utilized for any other productivity measure as well as the task will be completed quickly due to the reduced time bounds.

There are two shortcuts in Excel to add Rows in Excel. If the keyboard you are using has a number pad on the rightmost side of it, you may use the Ctrl button and "+" button together to add a row/s in Excel.

If your keyboard doesn't have that number pad and you are worried about how to add a row in Excel, don't worry; there is another shortcut key for such cases. You can press the Shift button, Ctrl button and "=" button simultaneously to insert a row/s in Excel worksheet.

In this article, we will walk you through some shortcut methods of adding rows in Excel.

Shortcut Methods of Adding Rows in Excel

We will discuss some shortcut methods of adding rows in Excel.

You can download this Add Rows in Excel Shortcut Template here – Add Rows in Excel Shortcut Template

Method #1 – Insert Row in Excel

Consider an example shown below where we have a list of the employee with their First Name, Last Name and Salary details in three different columns. See the screenshot below:

Add Rows in Excel Shortcut 1-1

Now, to insert a row, we first need to navigate towards a cell. Suppose we wanted to add a row after the 4th cell. Move towards the 4th cell of the Excel worksheet.

Add Rows in Excel Shortcut 1-2

Now, right-click on the cell selected (i.e. 4th cell), and then you'll see a series of options as shown in the screenshot below:

Add Rows in Excel Shortcut 1-3

You could see a series of options under the pane that opens up as soon as you right-click on the selected cell. Out of all those options, choose Insert… option to be able to insert a row in the given sheet before the 4th cell.

Add Rows in Excel Shortcut 1-4

A new window named as Insert will open up with series of options, as shown in the screenshot below. Click on the OK button and see what happens.

insert-add rows

If you press the OK key with the current option "Shift cells down", You'll be seeing cells 4th and below to that are shifted below by one position, and a new blank cell is appearing as a 4th cell. See the screenshot below:

Add Rows in Excel Shortcut 1-5

This is not the ideal way, though; we are not getting an entire blank row on the 4th position of the sheet. This is because we have chosen the option of "Shift cells down". Instead of that, if you select the option as "Entire row", you'll be able to insert an entirely new row in the 4th position.

entire row

See the screenshot below, where the entire row is added on the 4th position when you choose the "Entire row" option under the Insert window.

Add Rows in Excel Shortcut 1-6

Now, after we have successfully added a row at the 4th position, what if we wanted to add multiple blank cells? Do we need to repeat the procedure again and again? Isn't it going to be a time-consuming task?

Well, off course, it will be a time-consuming job if you repeat the procedure again and again. You, however, can eliminate this task by some single keystrokes.

Just select the blank cell you just inserted and press F4 to add one more blank row above that cell. This way, you can insert multiple rows at the same time using a single keyboard shortcut.

entire row 1

Method #2 – Shortcut to Add a Row in Excel

In this example, we will look at the shortcut method of adding rows in Excel. This method saves your time which leads to improved productivity.

Step 1: Select the entire row above which you wanted to add a new blank row. This can be done with a keyboard shortcut Shift + Space bar. Select the fifth row by navigating towards A5 and press the Shift + Space button.

add row 2-1

Step 2: Now, press Shift, Ctrl, and Plus sign key together to add a new blank row before the 5th row selected.

add row 2-2

Step 3: Now, you can press F4 to add more blank rows. Whatever number of rows you want to add, press F4 that much time.

add row 2-3

Here, we tried to add one blank row using a keyboard shortcut and then using F4 to increase the number of blank rows. Is there any other way to add multiple rows in a single shot? Yes, there absolutely is a way to do so.

Step 4: Select the number of rows that you wanted to add blank rows for. Select three rows as shown in the screenshot below. You can use the Shift + Space bar to select the number of rows.

shift space

Step 5: Now, the same way we deed in step 3, use Shift, Ctrl, and Plus sign to add three blank rows straight in the given sheet.

add row 2-4

These are few shortcuts to add blank rows in Excel using keyboard keystrokes. Let's wrap this article with some points to be remembered.

Things to Remember

  • If your keyboard has a number pad on the right-hand side, you can use Ctrl + (Plus Sign) to add the rows. However, if there is no number pad, you need to press Shift + Ctrl + (Plus Sign) through your keyboard.
  • F4 keyboard button helps you to repeat the action of adding rows in Excel. Given that a row is already added.
  • To add multiple rows in a single shot, you need to select multiple rows and press the keyboard shortcut.

Recommended Articles

This has been a guide to Add Rows in Excel Shortcut. Here we discuss How to Add Rows in Excel Shortcut along with practical examples and downloadable excel template. You can also go through our other suggested articles –

  1. Excel Freeze Rows
  2. ROWS Function in Excel
  3. Excel Columns to Rows
  4. VBA Insert Row

how to add rows in excel with formula


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