
how to become a florida resident

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Moving Domicile to Florida

Florida Residents Have Fantastic Lives and Pay No Income Tax

Moving Domicile to Florida Bette Hochberger, CPA, CGMA 2021-10-21T16:07:08-04:00

Welcome to the Sunshine State!

Establish Florida Residency Quickly and Enjoy Income Tax Free Florida Licing

What brings you to Florida? The amazing weather? The booming economy? The low tax rates? The lack of income taxes? If you are new to Florida – welcome to living in paradise. Florida is truly a great state to live in, build a business in, and raise a family in. Of course, there are challenges, but beautiful year-round weather and a great business climate are hard to beat! But for the tax benefits, you need to document that you have become a Florida resident. As a Boutique Florida CPA Firm in South Florida (Greater Miami) area, I help our new neighbors establish their Florida residency, securing their new income-tax-free domicile. We even offer an all-inclusive concierge service for busy business owners, where we take care of all the paperwork, appointments, and setup for you; you have to sign and show up.

Florida Residency

Generally people looking for help to quickly establish Florida Residency are looking for some of the unique benefits of Florida.

  • Zero State Income Tax
  • Some of the Best Asset Protection Rules
  • Property Tax Reductions for Residents
  • In State Tuition for our High Quality Public Universities
  • No State Inheritance Tax

So whether you are moving your businesses here, retiring in Florida, or simply splitting your time between your home state and Florida, we'll help you comply with the rules and benefit from all the great things Florida has to offer.

Remote Working?

Working Between States as a Florida Resident

During the COVID-19 lockdowns of 2020, many people started working remotely and learned that they didn't need to live in their high tax state to run their affairs. In addition to our retirees and late career tax refugees, Florida added people fleeing COVID-19 lockdowns to our source of residences. Florida Schools were open for in person education for the entire 2020-2021 school year, though some major metropolitan areas did some hybrid and distance learning in the first quarter. All businesses were permitted to reopen in the summer, and many small business owners relocated to various communities in Florida for the ability to run their business.

Whether you need to travel back to your prior state, or plan to simply work on a laptop by the pool, we can help you review the rules of domicile to make sure that your former state can't keep taxing you as a resident. States are desperate for revenue right now, and they are going to be super aggressive about fighting domicile changes, so make sure you get the details right, and we can help.

Fleeing High Taxes?

East Coast or West Coast, We can help

If you are moving to Florida, particularly from high tax states, you need to move quickly to establish your residency. Every month of delay is potentially one more month that your prior state will attempt to attach itself to your income. Many high earning individuals may maintain homes in both locations, or business interests, and working to minimize being subjected to the income tax of your prior state is important.

We work with former residents of Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, California, Washington D.C., and other high tax jurisdictions to establish themselves as Florida residents.

Split your Time?

The state where you spend the majority of your time is your tax domicile. If you spend less than half your time in multiple states, you have a more complicated issue. However, if you can establish that you spend 183 days/year in Florida, you can make Florida your domicile and other states places you visit. If you will split your time between Florida and your former home, be prepared to document your stays. The courts will side with your former state if you live in two states can't prove that you live in Florida. With our Starter/Compliance Package, we can manage your books and document your stays, establishing your residency in Florida. We can also address your accounting and finance needs for any business interests you have in other states.

Track Your Travel

Document Travel to Protect Domicile

Once you establish your domicile in Florida, you may have to travel extensively to your former home to tend to your business interests. We can help you document your travel and plan your trips to maximize your tax deductions. We will develop the appropriate tracking logs for you to simply forward your travel information in, and we can log it for you. By documenting your business travel, we can help you maximize your tax deductions and minimize the possibility of having your domicile challenged.

Can I do It Myself?

Absolutely, let's talk about your options.

Yes, absolutely. People move to Florida and become Florida residents all the time without a complicated domicile issue. If you are a typical middle-class family renting or buying a modest home and collecting a W-2, you'd wonder what the fuss is about. However, if you still own property in your former state, potentially have a business or rental income from that state, and need to travel back and forth on business, it's another issue. Your former state's revenue department may fight your status, so the faster you document everything, the quicker you can say goodbye to state income taxes.

So if your monthly state income tax bill is substantial, let's get the process ready to go while planning your move. We'll get as much paperwork prepared for you before you move down, and we'll give you itemized instructions (or screen share to walk you through the process) if you have to do it for legal reasons. You should focus on moving your family and establishing yourself in your new community- we'll help keep the old state revenue department off your back.

Isn't It Easy to Establish Residency?

Yes, as long as you are legally in the United States, you may establish residency in any state without trouble. The income-tax-free State of Florida won't fight you on your residency; the concern is your former state.

If you are moving to Florida, particularly from high tax states, you need to move quickly to establish your residency. Every month of delay is potentially one more month that your prior state will attempt to attach itself to your income. Additionally, many high-earning individuals may maintain homes in both locations or business interests, and working to minimize being subjected to the income tax of your prior state is important.

We work with former residents of Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, California, Washington D.C., and other high tax jurisdictions to establish themselves as Florida residents.

Your move probably involves a lot of decisions, a mixture of financial, emotional, and logistical. Establishing residency is based upon demonstrating your living in your new state, and the faster you move to register for schools, homesteads, insurance, voting, car registration, etc., the sooner you'll successfully establish your residency. Our systems may be a little different than you are used to, and failure to comply might result in you being taxed in your old state by an extra year.

We offer this service primarily as a courtesy to our new clients moving into Florida. So when we get on a Zoom Call, we can review with you whether you need us to do the groundwork first, or if you're going to move down and start establishing residency.

We'll help you quickly move your financial affairs to Florida, so you can focus on the important things like golfing, beaches, and hurricane preparations.

Success doesn't just find you. You have to go out and get it.

Your Success is Our Success!

how to become a florida resident


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