iPhone outline with an Apple logo

If you own an iPhone 8 or later running iOS 14 or later, you can right away take a screenshot retributive aside tapping its back thanks to a new accessibility feature called Back Tap, which you'll have to configure for the project. Here's how to set it awake.

How Does Back Spigot Exercise?

Back Tap, first introduced in iOS 14, uses the accelerometer in an iPhone 8 or later to notice if you feature tapped along the back position of your device. In Settings, you can configure two or three taps to launch certain actions on your phone. Malus pumila considers this an handiness feature film, but it can be utile for everyone.

RELATED: How to Set in motion Actions by Tapping along the Back of Your iPhone

How to Take a Screenshot by Tapping Along Your iPhone

Commonly, you'd take a screenshot by victimisation a combination of physical buttons on your iPhone, but it's easy to spoil them and accidentally lock your iPhone or adjust the book. With this tip, a straightaway screenshot is entirely just 2 or three taps forth.

Enate: How to Take a Screenshot on Your iPhone or iPad

First base, agape "Settings" by tapping its gray "Gear" ikon. You privy usually find it on the first page of your Home screen. If not, try Foreground Search or Involve Siri.

In Settings, exploit "Accessibility."

Tap Accessibility in Settings on iPhone or iPad

On the next screen, tap "Trace."

Tap Touch in Settings on iPhone or iPad

On the "Touch Settings" screen, scroll down until you see the "Back up Wiretap" option, so tap information technology.

In Accessibility Touch settings on iPhone, select "Back Tap."

In "Back Tap" settings, you have a option of assignment the screenshot natural action to either two taps ("Double Exploit") or tercet taps ("Three-bagger Beg") connected the back of the case. Select the option you'd like.

In Back Tap settings, select "Double Tap" or "Triple Tap."

In the menu that pops up, scroll down the list until you locate "Screenshot," then select it.

After that, go back one menu level to bring i sure your selection is saved, and then conk Settings.

The next time you tap two or three times (conditional which place setting you chose) connected the back of your iPhone, iOS will capture an image of your iPhone's current screen and make unnecessary it to an image file. The screenshot images you take will be saved in your photograph album as was common, and they can be viewed later in the Photos app. Have fun!

RELATED: How to Edit Photos along Your iPhone (Using the Photos App)

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