
How Do You Increase The Size Of Your Screen?

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Screen resolution refers to the clarity of the text and images displayed on your screen. At higher resolutions, such as 1600 x 1200 pixels, items appear sharper. They also appear smaller and then more items can fit on the screen. At lower resolutions, such as 800 x 600 pixels, fewer items fit on the screen, merely they appear larger.

The resolution you can use depends on the resolutions your monitor supports. CRT monitors mostly display a resolution of 800 × 600 or 1024 × 768 pixels and can work well at different resolutions. LCD monitors, also chosen apartment-console displays, and laptop screens ofttimes support higher resolutions and piece of work best at a specific resolution.

The larger the monitor, usually the college the resolution it supports. Whether you tin can increment your screen resolution depends on the size and adequacy of your monitor and the type of video bill of fare you accept.

To change your screen resolution

  1. Open Screen Resolution by clicking the First button Start button icon, clicking Control Panel, and so, nether Appearance and Personalization, clicking Accommodate screen resolution.

  2. Click the drop-down list adjacent to Resolution, move the slider to the resolution you want, and then click Use.

  3. Click Keep to use the new resolution, or click Revert to go dorsum to the previous resolution.

Native resolution

LCD monitors, including laptop screens, typically run best at their native resolution. You don't take to set up your monitor to run at this resolution, but it's ordinarily recommended in social club to ensure you meet the sharpest text and images possible. LCD monitors mostly come in ii shapes: a standard proportion of width to tiptop of 4:3, or a widescreen ratio of 16:ix or 16:10. A widescreen monitor has both a wider shape and resolution than a standard ratio monitor.

If you're unsure of your monitor's native resolution, check the product transmission or get to the manufacturer'due south website. Hither are typical resolutions for some popular screen sizes:

  • 19-inch screen (standard ratio): 1280 ten 1024 pixels

  • twenty-inch screen (standard ratio): 1600 x 1200 pixels

  • 22-inch screen (widescreen): 1680 x 1050 pixels

  • 24-inch screen (widescreen): 1900 x 1200 pixels


  • When y'all alter the screen resolution, information technology affects all users who log on to the computer.

  • When you ready your monitor to a screen resolution that it can't back up, the screen will go black for a few seconds while the monitor reverts back to the original resolution.

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How Do You Increase The Size Of Your Screen?,


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